+90 555 564 40 07

Dental Treatments
Istanbul Dentavrasya Dental Clinic
Emax Veneers in Turkey
Emax Veneers in Turkey Emax Veneers Turkey are the best and most preferred dental…
Bone Dust – Graft – Bone Replication
Implant Dental Treatment,Treatments
Implant Treatment in Bone Deficiencies Bone Grafting in Turkey, the areas, where the…
Jaw Cyst
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Treatments
What is a jaw cyst operation? Cavities that are located in soft tissue or bone and…
All On 4 Implant Application
Implant Dental Treatment,Treatments
What is the All on 4 Implant Technique? The All on 4 implant technique, is a form of…
Bonding Application
Cosmetic Dentistry,Digital Smile Design,Treatments
What can be done with the bonding application (aesthetic filler)? If the shape of the…
Tooth pain
Canal Treatment – Endodonti,Treatments
How does toothache occur? Any damage that occurs in the normal anatomy of the tooth…
Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)
Tooth Whitening - Bleaching,Treatments
What is teeth whitening? Healthy and white teeth are important for a beautiful smile.…
Gingival Recession
Gum Diseases And Treatment - Periodontology,Treatments
What is gingival recession? If the gingival band, the soft tissue that surrounds the…
Gum Aesthetics
Gum Diseases And Treatment - Periodontology,Treatments
GUM AESTHETICS – PINK AESTHETICS What are pink aesthetics – gum…
Teeth Grinding – Teeth Clenching Treatment
Jaw Joint Diseases Treatment,Treatments
Bruxism | Teeth Grinding | Teeth Clenching Treatment | Jaw Joint Disease Teeth…
Tartar cleaning
Gum Diseases And Treatment - Periodontology,Treatments
1-) What is tartar cleaning? Tartar cleaning is also called as scaling. Tartar is the…
Full Porcelain Tooth Veneers
What are empress full porcelain tooth veneers? Emax is the brand name of the empress…
Smile Design in Turkey
Digital Smile Design,Treatments
Implant Dental Treatment
Implant Dental Treatment,Treatments
What is dental implant treatment? Implant dental treatment is the placement of…
Implant Supported Prostheses
Implant Dental Treatment,Prosthodontics Treatments,Treatments
Implant Abutments | Removable Prosthesis | Implant Supported Prosthesis What is an…
Canal Treatment
Canal Treatment – Endodonti,Treatments
What is root canal treatment, in other words Endodontics? Endodontics is a branch of…
Braces With Metal Brackets
Orthodontic Treatment - Braces - Orthodontics,Treatments
What is metal brace treatment? Metal braces are the most commonly used orthodontic…
Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment - Braces - Orthodontics,Treatments
At what age can a patient undergo orthodontic treatment? Orthodontic treatment is…
Orthodontic Treatment Braces Options
Orthodontic Treatment - Braces - Orthodontics,Treatments
Invisalign (Wireless Orthodontic Treatment with Transparent Plates) The Invisalign…
Porcelain Tooth Veneer Treatment
What is porcelain tooth veneer? It is the process of covering the tooth completely by…
Porcelain Laminate Tooth – Leaf Porcelain Teeth
Cosmetic Dentistry,Digital Smile Design,Treatments
The word Laminated means leaf. In the dentistry sector it is also known as porcelain…
Porcelain Transparent Braces Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment - Braces - Orthodontics,Treatments
What is porcelain transparent braces treatment? Porcelain transparent braces are an…
Sinus Lifting
Implant Dental Treatment,Treatments
What is sinus lifting – a sinus lifting operation? In the posterior region of…
Orthodontic Treatment with Transparent Plaques
Orthodontic Treatment - Braces - Orthodontics,Treatments
What is Invisalign; Orthodontic treatment with transparent plaques (without braces)?…
Zirconium Veneers
What are zirconium veneers? It is a texture-friendly white ceramic (porcelain) alloy…
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