Implant Abutments | Removable Prosthesis | Implant Supported Prosthesis
What is an implant abutment – Implant supported Prosthesis?
Implant supported prostheses are fixed or removable prostheses that are placed on prostheses or are supported by such, which are placed inside the jaw bone. Patients with no teeth but sufficient bone are suitable for an implant supported prosthesis application.
How many implants are necessary for a fixed implant supported prosthesis in patients with no teeth?
For a fixed prosthesis in patients with no teeth it is necessary, depending on the size of the jaw and the procedure to be carried out, to place 4 to 6 implants in the lower jaw and 6 to 8 implants in the upper jaw.
How many implants are necessary for a removable implant supported prosthesis in patients with no teeth?
At least two implants in the lower jaw and 4 implants in the upper jaw are necessary to create a successful removable implant supported prosthesis.
How do I care for an implant supported fixed prosthesis?
Implant supported fixed teeth are the closest treatments to natural teeth in missing teeth. Therefore, their care is very similar to the care of natural teeth. They need to be brushed at least 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Areas between the prosthesis and gums should be regularly cleaned with an interdental brush, dental floss and tooth brush. In the first year, regular dental checks should be performed for 3 to 6 months.
How is the implant treatment carried out in patients with no teeth?
The bone health, width, length and distance to other anatomical structures (veins, nerves, and sinuses) is very important for implant treatments in cases with no teeth. The bone status is evaluated by radiological examinations such as panoramic x-ray, tomography and rvg.
How many implants are necessary in patients with no teeth?
Depending on the bone evaluation it is decided if the prosthesis to be placed on the implant is going to be a removable or fixed prosthesis. The method with the least implants in fixed systems is the ALL ON FOUR system. In this method a full fixed prosthesis is placed on a minimum of 4 implants. The prosthesis is specially designed and manufactured and then placed on the carriers. It is also possible to place fixed porcelain teeth on 6 or 8 implants.
After how long can the temporary teeth be placed on the implants?
After an implant treatment it is necessary to wait for the fusion of the sutures and the complete epithelization of the mucosa. It is not recommended to place a temporary prosthesis for at least 1 week. After 1 week, after the stitches are removed, it is possible to take measurements for an immediate prosthesis.
How do I care for an implant abutment?
Implant abutments are removable prosthesis placed on implants and they need to be brushed 2 times a day with a special prosthesis brush. It is not right to clean prosthesis with toothpaste. Liquid soap can be used instead. After that they need to be rinsed carefully and stored in a dry place.
Over time the rubber bands of the prosthesis may wear out but it is possible to replace them. The replacement is very simple and only takes 10 minutes, after which the support is as good as new.
How do I care for an implant fixed prosthesis?
Implant fixed porcelain veneers are fixed on the implants. You can brush these teeth as you are brushing your natural teeth by going up and down towards the gums. The veneers need to be cleaned with specially manufactured super-floss and an interdental brush.