What are empress full porcelain tooth veneers?
Emax is the brand name of the empress porcelain veneers. Only porcelain material is used and by using a 3-dimensional scanner (cad-cam) the design is carried out completely on the computer. The porcelain is not in powder form. It has ready to use molds. Because it is formed from ceramic particles compressed under pressure, it is much more durable than normal porcelain and more aesthetic. It doesn’t have a metal substructure and is thus thinner and more transparent. This makes the application more aesthetic.
How many sessions are required for the empress emax porcelain tooth veneers?
The treatment is completed averagely in 2-3 sessions within 1 week. First the teeth are measured and then a patient-specific smile design is made. The smile design, called mock-up, is shown to the patient beforehand, so he/she can get an idea of how he/she will look. This way the patient’s expectations and ideas are considered and the smile design treatment is started. The teeth are abraded approximately 2 mm under local anesthesia and measurements are taken and sent to the laboratory. During the same session the patient receives temporary teeth. Thus the patient can resume his social and work life.
The emax porcelain teeth from the laboratory are applied to the patient in 2 or 3 sessions and the treatment is completed within 1 week.
When are emax porcelain tooth veneers recommended?
The emax tooth veneers, also called ceramic veneers or full porcelain veneers, are generally used in patients with high aesthetic expectations and in veneers of the front teeth. Since the light transmittance of the veneer is perfect, the most natural appearance can be achieved with emax porcelain veneers.
What are the advantages of emax porcelain tooth veneers in comparison to other veneers?
Due to the contents it has a more transparent and perfect look. It ensures a more aesthetic look. The production and laboratory process is short. Its light and photoflash reflection is almost the same as those of natural teeth. Due to these characteristics they are highly recommended for the front teeth. The veneers are also compatible with the gums. They preserve their color and shape properties for many years.
In which cases can emax porcelain teeth be applied?
Emax porcelain teeth can be applied to almost everyone that plans to coat the front teeth. Color changes of the font teeth that cannot be corrected with tooth whitening, disorders of shape, form and position and tooth abrasions can be treated with an empress emax porcelain application.
Does empress porcelain change color? How long is the life of an emax porcelain tooth?
Since porcelain veneers are part of final polishing processes called glaze, they don’t change color. Because the surfaces are completely smooth and because the color harmony is perfect they don’t change shape or color. You can use them for many years with good oral hygiene.
What is better, emax porcelain tooth veneers? Or zirconium tooth veneers?
Both are specially strengthened porcelain veneers with no metal substructure. They provides excellent aesthetic and gum harmony. Because of their light transmission they resemble natural teeth and are often applied in patients that have high aesthetic expectations for their front teeth. We often recommended emax porcelain tooth veneers for the front regions and zirconium veneers for the back regions because of the high resistance and aesthetics.